Hin Pop Up Market 2.0 – EYA

Date: 16/4/2916
Time: 11am – 5pm
Venue: Hin Bus Depot

How far can an ‘Eya’ A.K.A Coconut go? Come and be amazed! Held in conjunction with PIFF (Penang International Food Festival), Hin Pop Up Market is collaborating with local diner ÉNFD on this 2.0 episode. EYA is ready to feature the race, culture and society friendly fruit – the coconut. This will be where you’ll get to see how this timeless fruit can be put to its full use, from food to consumable items like body care products, decorative items and much more! It’s only a coconut but let’s not underestimate its possibilities. Free Entry for all.

>>Interested in participating as a booth/vendor:
Booth: RM 40, Additional RM 20 for power point.

>>Have a crazy collaboration idea but want to know more?
Please contact : Danny +60 12-373 9523

Post Author: Sharon Hoo